Do I need a referral to see the orthodontist?

No. You are most welcome to arrange a consultation without a referral.

I feel self-conscious about having braces as an adult – are there other options?

Yes – we offer ceramic (clear) brackets which make braces less noticeable. Lingual Braces are glued onto the inside of the teeth making them hidden. Invisalign is also an alternative for many adult patients. We are happy to discuss aesthetic options with you at the consultation appointment.

How much will the treatment cost?

The treatment cost depends on the severity of the problem and the time required to complete treatment. An initial consultation with the orthodontist is therefore necessary to establish the fee structure. A written quote is provided so you can discuss rebate options with your health fund. We offer flexible and interest free payment plans.

Do I still need to see my general dentist?

Absolutely – the orthodontic adjustment appointments are not a substitute for regular dental check-ups. Please maintain regular check-up appointments with your dentist who will undertake thorough examination of all the teeth for decay and gum disease. We recommend that as a general rule, six monthly check ups are required while the braces are on.

How long will I have to have my braces on for?

Typical cases may take approximately 12-18 months. More difficult cases that require correction of a bite or missing teeth, or where surgical intervention is required, may take up to three years. Treatment time is also highly dependent on patient compliance. Non-compliance with elastic wear and poor oral hygiene can significantly increase treatment duration.

What is an orthodontist?

An orthodontist is a dental specialist who undertakes three years of postgraduate training in addition to their dental degree at an approved university. Most universities require candidates for the program to have several years of experience as a general dentist. As part of their training, they are required to treat a wide range of patients including complex cases that require jaw surgery. The orthodontist also undertakes research in the field.

What foods do I need to avoid while I have braces?

At the time that the braces go on, we will advise you on foods to avoid. Anything that is sticky or chewy can damage the braces. Examples include ice and hard lollies such as toffees and minties. Damage to the braces will hinder treatment progress.

Will braces be uncomfortable?

Some discomfort during treatment is to be expected. We suggest mild analgesics such as those used for headaches after the braces-on appointment and at subsequent wire changes. The orthodontist will advise you on how long the discomfort should last.

Do I need extractions?

This depends on many factors including the amount of crowding, the position of the lips, the bite, and whether there are any compromised teeth that may be better substituted. After the records appointment, the orthodontist will discuss with you whether extractions are required and the reasons why.

Will braces interfere with sports?

Many of our patients are keen sportsmen and sportswomen. A mouthguard is absolutely mandatory (regardless of whether you have braces or not) when playing contact sports. We will show you examples of appropriate mouth guards at the bands-on appointment.